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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Some Useful shortcuts tricks and tips in Mac OS X

Today I am writing about several shortcuts and tricks in Mac OSX Platform. Some may be know to few people but some may really amaze you.

a) Select text in your browser and then drag and drop it onto your desktop. There will be a basic text file with your text in it.

b) cmd-click Finder window title: It shows a Pop-up menu showing path to current folder/document

c) Command Key and Tab Key can be used to cycle through your running apps as was done in Win platform using tab key alone.

d) Many do not know that you can change the style of the text/icons of a window by command clicking on the little button in the top right of the window of a program. That small button has more functionality too. Explore!!

e) Have you heard about famous Genie Effect in Mac. It is also regarded as Slow down effect. You can see this by holding down shift when clicking on the window minus button or documents in the dock. I will further explain this in Genie effect blog post separately.

f) Voice over Utility:
You can use apple logo key and F5 to launch Voice over utility App. You may also find this by default at /application/utilities/voiceover. I will write about this utility at some later time but if you explore yourself, you will be more benefitted.

g) Resizing a column divider in a Finder window is simple. But there is yetr another trick. Press Alt-click and drag column divider in Finder column view resizes columns evenly. This would resize width of columns in all finder windows opened.

h) Pressing F11 would engage expose and move all windows to the edge of your screen

i) Negative Vision Trick.
I discovered this a year earlier. Since then I used this many times to stun my younger sis, or for that matter my MBA Wife. Use control+alt (option)+command+8. This would make your screen go like a negative vision of your screen. You can do again the same to revert back.

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