Mission Control is a feature of the macOS operating system. Dashboard, Exposé, and Spaces were combined and renamed Mission Control in 2011 with the release of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. Exposé was first previewed on June 23, 2003, at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference as a feature of the then forthcoming Mac OS X 10.3 Panther.
Mission Control allows a user to do the following:
- View all open application windows
- View all open application windows of a specific application
- Hide all application windows and show the desktop
- Manage application windows across multiple monitors
- Manage application windows across multiple virtual desktops
How to Open Mission Control:
- Swipe up with three or four fingers on your trackpad, or double-tap the surface of your Magic Mouse with two fingers.
- Open the Mission Control app, which is in your Applications folder.
- Press the Mission Control key on your Apple keyboard or Touch Bar.
In case mission Control is not working despite all settings, use following command on terminal. This is some what magical solution Fix Mission control if it is not working on macOS Catalina, Big Surprise, Mojave. So try and thank me later ;)
- defaults write com.apple.dock mcx-expose-disabled -bool FALSE
- killall Dock
Note: Please execute both commands on terminal one after the other on same shell.