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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to solve "Failed to load shared object Sgment Prot after reloc:Permission Denied" Problem in Linux

All of a sudden, I started getting an error on my Linux box. I was mesmerized as to what could be the possible cause. The error message was pretty confusing. It said:
Failed to load shared object. cannot restore sgment prot after reloc permission denied
Initially I thought that this problem over my binaries are coming due to Permission errors. I checked the permissions on directories, binaries, executables. But all were fine. Then I though of running using 'su' or 'sudo' command, but to no avail.

I searched through Internet and found that someone has got a similar error in CentOS too. It so happens that CentOS 5 has the SE Linux feature set to enforcing. So, sometimes when you install CUBRID on CentOS and try to start the cubrid services cubrid service start, you may encounter the following error:
[cubrid@localhost ~]$ cubrid service start
cubrid: error while loading shared libraries: /opt/cubrid/lib/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

This error is not limited to installation. It can come while running an application too. It should be remembered that This problem is seen in Linux gcc 4.1.2 i686 i386 GNU/Linux flavors too. Resolution is same. While installation of any package or Starting any service on a RHEL or CentOS based Server you may receive following Error
cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

This Error comes when SELinux setting is enabled on the server. Someone even reported this coming from java librarie. The error was while trying to run several programs. For example:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

How to solve Failed to load shared object Sgment Prot after reloc:Permission Denied Problem in Linux
No problems!!
As already told you this comes due to Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux). It is a Linux feature that provides a mechanism for supporting access control security policies through the use of Linux Security Modules (LSM) in the Linux kernel.
By Default SELinux is set to “enforcing” in CentOS on boot, this can be disabled permanently. To disable it edit file “/etc/selinux/config” and change SELINUX

To temporarily disable enforcement on a running system, type
/usr/sbin/setenforce 0

To permanently disable enforcement during a system startup
change "enforcing" to "disabled" in ''/etc/selinux/config''

It was a great relief to me when I got my control back on my binaries. Cheers!!

Can't locate XML/ @INC( @INC in Perl linux

Sometimes you Perl code starts acting weird. You get error as "Can't locate XML/ @INC( @IN" . This basically occurs due to a very simple reason: file missing in Perl linux
For example you can see the snapshot of an error message that I got:

How to solve Can't locate XML/ @INC( @INC problem in Perl Linux
How to resolve XML/ or Install
simple method to install XML::Simple is as follows:

perl -MCPAN -e 'install "XML::Simple"'

There is yet another test that you may do before installing. This is to check if XML::Simple is installed. For this try:

perl -e 'use XML::Simple;'

There is yet another method that I personally like because of less complexity involved. And as I can see, this is even faster:

cpan install XML::Simple

I would like to convey to my readers here some bits over the CPAN. This is collected from Internet and following has no intellectual claims by me :)

CPAN is the world-wide archive of perl resources. It consists of about
300 sites that all replicate the same contents around the globe. Many
countries have at least one CPAN site already. The resources found on
CPAN are easily accessible with the module. If you want to use, lots of things have to be configured. Fortunately, most of
them can be determined automatically. If you prefer the automatic
configuration, answer 'yes' below.

The same can be seen in following picture:

If you prefer to enter a dialog instead, you can answer 'no' to this
question and I'll let you configure in small steps one thing after the
other. (Note: you can revisit this dialog anytime later by typing 'o
conf init' at the cpan prompt.)

And doing this solves the problem!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

SCAM : YouTube Service sent you message:

Your video on the TOP of YouTube

YouTube Administration sent you a message: Illegal video warning

etc. etc

This is a new scam that is in rotation these days. BEWARE of this and try not clicking on the link provided.

This weekend I got an email whose subject is as follows---
YouTube Service has sent you a message:
Your video on the TOP of YouTube
You can reply to this message by visiting your inbox.

But on clicking the link and going to said URL. Somehow I didn't click on the click but copied URL to open it in different browser. I landed on a page giving me warning from Youtube itself.
The email originated from

I researched the 'headers' section of email and found the following:
It is spam. If you look at the headers, I guarantee you'll find that it was not sent by YouTube.

X-Apparently-To: via; Sun, 04 Mar 2012 19:17:50 -0800
Received-SPF: none (domain of does not designate permitted sender hosts) IG1lc3NhZ2U6IFlvdXIgdmlkZW8gb24gdGhlIFRPUCBvZiBZb3VUdWJlIAog IAoKICAKICAgIAoKICAgICAgCiAgICAgICAgCiAgICAgICAgICAKICAgICAg ICAgICAgCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgCiAgICAgICAgCiAgICAgICAgCiAgICAg ICAgICBoZWxwIGNlbnRlcgogICAgICAgICAgfCBlLW1haWwgb3B0aW9ucwog ICAgICAgICAgICB8IHJlcG9ydCBzcGFtCiAgICAgICAgCiAgIAEwAQEBAQ--
X-YMailISG: QEsw7QEWLDs1NHRMTHBfsGRrVIRuCV3jp9QQ.7N9BUS7OCtJ fpQrxSU6fN_5nrgXbnAKvsXq3WvrSaqhptInsAhIJX23ZB.PiVlKXZU7ul6T J5Q35WZgKB88380z.7eloCBHqHdr4ytrgWmfMj8Y3ZcszbS9yS1N3wEdjG58 jCQGC9_mumP2_GNHbxVbshQ0lpqqf4Pzfb.UJh1228waZh.x8nRZqvFhNTQX hjIttKX5ykKEaDQCfh1WSvWv.mzZpbjehQ6y0uW7Vbzrta1hZV9AUZiBBB15 X5GrjPRZgN_yIIeFXuqWdEWbd2u7zKJgb2LR965l7uZtvwDBkF98eByJpCwZ 3bTSv12viIdpgsqsdW5525aqgJPJmUfH3j.E.Pi0wM2Xi2CV9pNc6jHTgICU eXswpS91gNJNDET3zNEb.wc2GOt4g8HMQze_4XB81eI3nChAPGE8OOgWQahs jJ_9EZ9DNnGArzaPL1.O68mjulZvfPaJQGdLJMfKsP95HP4OEk0R_RuEZesB A89i2xo1S_GbsmlJdc95Eq7Uw.sk63o4pJGGTmG.HLRXO1vUfTgBZ2FX_FQl ApTMeQAe.sKUCVS1K77.maxmh5hXfNHXul3ODqjCCToVU2RrplWEEKB4kYOA O2H7TJVtd3ceyp7LcVGqCGuDOHYsgrnGZH1M9jNdXXRTScbpGjjyZwcqg0y1 dsE3YwbUKUS1cUM.99kZ63SYTLmHs7fLTSLQFnnJ26jkWGq5Tcn5sStRtehI 1YedQwtU78Xl58JRnUIS8EG.QANKqx_goxcQPQGAbElbxsaQHBWD52Bpjp1y iS5JyW6txwYjhpAwa.AYs6zpAnNzfkraxDKBVc9xGM6XWOx0NA2GwPi0E20M pbjrhDkP_BtCQiGfNG7oeg7zMZ_4c_l1_0B28ITkHqUSXTSilEajB5GJ7Sqj 5ClClMo7UQfHve9NFJc.rN_9PAXhtc.H5hlGSnWysoIP5ac3wuFYdFLC3Mx_ yusPXC4marJ5Nis4Pk_IrVIGKuEhIIfOUVBjGgJTpDjougomLcjaGJHQkI3O AGnLWuIcBkkxh48-
X-Originating-IP: []
Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=neutral (no sig);; dkim=neutral (no sig)
Received: from (HELO ( by with SMTP; Sun, 04 Mar 2012 19:17:50 -0800
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: YouTube Service sent you a message: Your video on the TOP of YouTube
From: YouTube Service Add sender to Contacts
Message-Id: <20120304221746 .071fe5d9b="""">
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 22:17:46 +0200 (CEST)
Content-Length: 1835

So, now i was pretty much qualified to know that this is Scam.

Do also read Youtube Video Scam Support Page redirected from Discussions For IT People

Our Security Team headed by Mohd Anwar Jamal Faiz and *SO* tried to explore other areas where similar emails were in circulation.
(email us on [ i removed the second email in 2020]

Not to our surprise, *SO* deduced same problem even in Appstore emails. Its subject is "Your Order cancellation notification"

Many people have reported of getting similar emails. The return address is an "" address, which makes it look legit. The actual links in the one email someone got were different than the one i got, so it's probably a pre-manufactured template or something that a bunch of scammers are using. There's one of these from Apple App Store floating around, too. It reads "Your Order cancellation notification" or some such.

Happy Surfing
-Anwar faiz