These tools will definitely refine and improve your search. For additional info you can refer Google Help page itself.
If you try to search as mentioned below, the possible outcome in your search results are described alongside:
anwar thailand the words anwar and thailand
meonshow OR linkedIn either the word meonshow or the word linkedin
~home loan loan info for both the word home and its related : plot,flat etc.
define:love definitions of the word love from around the Web.
"Discussions for It people" the exact phrase to each Discussions for It people
virus –computer the word virus but NOT the word computer
+circle Only the word circle, and not the plural or any tenses or synonyms of circle
love * war the words love and war separated by one or more words. Now this is really helpful.
Google also provides an option that says "I'm Feeling Lucky" This takes you directly to first web page returned for your query.
The triple dot operator to search within a range of numbers
For example camera $100..150 will search for cameras between $100 and $150)
link operator example will find pages that link to the meonshow website.
info to find Info about a page for example
site: Search only one website example: job
(Search Meonshow site for jobs info.)
related to find related pages for example will find websites related to the Youtube website.
With this I complete the Mohd Anwar - Google Trick Sheet Part1. This is part1 of my three parts Trick Sheet. Rest later.
Enjoy ;)
Mohd Anwar Jamal Faiz
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