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Thursday, February 17, 2011

List of Keyboard Shortcuts In MicroSoft PowerPoint

Hey, I got this list from Internet and the source claimed that he following is borrowed straight out of the PowerPoint 2000 Help File. I respect the author but the authenticity of each command is open for your test.

Function Keys

F1 Display Help or the Office Assistant
SHIFT+F1 Start context-sensitive Help
F2 Select the text box (with text or an object selected inside the text box) or select the text within a text box (with the text box selected)
ALT+F2 Carry out Save As command
ALT+SHIFT+F2 Carry out Save command (File menu)
SHIFT+F3 Change the case of letters
F4 Repeat the last action
SHIFT+F4 Repeat the last Find (Find Next)
CTRL+F4 Close the window
ALT+F4 Quit PowerPoint
ALT+SHIFT+F4 Quit PowerPoint
F5 Carry out Slide Show command (View menu)
CTRL+F5 Restore the presentation window size
ALT+F5 Restore the program window size
F6 Move to the next pane
SHIFT+F6 Move to the previous pane
CTRL+F6 Move to the next presentation window
CTRL+SHIFT+F6 Move to the previous presentation window
F7 Carry out Spelling command (Tools menu)
CTRL+F7 Carry out Move command (presentation Control menu)
ALT+F7 Find next misspelling (Automatic Spell Checking enabled)
CTRL+F8 Carry out Size command (presentation Control menu)
F10 Activate the menu bar
SHIFT+F10 Display a shortcut menu
CTRL+F10 Maximize the presentation window
ALT+F10 Maximize the program window
CTRL+SHIFT+F10 Activate the menu bar
ALT+F11 Display Visual Basic code
F12 Carry out Save As command (File menu)
SHIFT+F12 Carry out Save command (File menu)
CTRL+F12 Carry out Open command (File menu)
CTRL+SHIFT+F12 Carry out Print command (File menu)

Keys for working with presentations

CTRL+N Create a new presentation
CTRL+M Insert a new slide
CTRL+D Make a copy of the selected slide
CTRL+O Open a presentation
CTRL+W Close a presentation
CTRL+P Print a presentation
CTRL+S Save a presentation
F5 Run a presentation
ALT+F4 Quit PowerPoint
CTRL+F Find text, formatting, and special items
CTRL+H Replace text, specific formatting, and special items
CTRL+K Insert a hyperlink
F7 Check spelling
ESC Cancel an action
CTRL+Z Undo an action
CTRL+Y Redo or repeat an action
F6 Switch to the next pane (clockwise)
SHIFT+F6 Switch to the previous pane (counterclockwise)

Keys for browsing hyperlinks in a slide show

TAB Go to the first or next hyperlink
SHIFT+TAB Go to the last or previous hyperlink
ENTER while a hyperlink is selected Perform the "mouse click" behavior of the selected hyperlink
SHIFT+ENTER while a hyperlink is selected Perform the "mouse over" behavior of the selected hyperlink

Keys for deleting and copying text and objects

BACKSPACE Delete one character to the left
CTRL+BACKSPACE Delete one word to the left
DELETE Delete one character to the right
CTRL+DELETE Delete one word to the right
CTRL+X Cut selected object
CTRL+C Copy selected object
CTRL+V Paste cut or copied object
CTRL+Z Undo the last action
Keys for moving around in text
LEFT ARROW One character to the left
RIGHT ARROW One character to the right
UP ARROW One line up
DOWN ARROW One line down
CTRL+LEFT ARROW One word to the left
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW One word to the right
END To the end of a line
HOME To the beginning of a line
CTRL+UP ARROW Up one paragraph
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Down one paragraph
CTRL+END To the end of a text box
CTRL+HOME To the beginning of a text box
CTRL+ENTER To the next title or body text placeholder (see note)
SHIFT+F4 To repeat the last Find action

Keys for selecting text and objects

SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW One character to the right
SHIFT+LEFT ARROW One character to the left
CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW To the end of a word
CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW To the beginning of a word
SHIFT+UP ARROW One line up
SHIFT+DOWN ARROW One line down
ESC An object (with text selected inside the object)
TAB or SHIFT+TAB until the object you want is selected An object (with an object selected)
ENTER Text within an object
CTRL+A (in the slide pane) All objects
CTRL+A (in slide sorter view) All slides
CTRL+A (in the outline pane) All text

Change or resize the font

CTRL+SHIFT+P Change the font size
CTRL+SHIFT+> Increase the font size
CTRL+SHIFT+< Decrease the font size
CTRL+SHIFT+F Change the font

Apply character formats

CTRL+T Change the formatting of characters (Font command, Format menu)
SHIFT+F3 Change the case of letters
CTRL+B Apply bold formatting
CTRL+U Apply an underline
CTRL+I Apply italic formatting
CTRL+EQUAL SIGN Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing)
CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing)
CTRL+SPACEBAR Remove manual character formatting

Copy text formats

CTRL+SHIFT+C Copy formats
CTRL+SHIFT+V Paste formats
Align paragraphs
CTRL+E Center a paragraph
CTRL+J Justify a paragraph
CTRL+L Left align a paragraph
CTRL+R Right align a paragraph

This list would be of much help to those guys (Gals I m sorry, I always forget you!) who are keyboard-holic. In addition it turns out to be really sometimes coz it eases navigation and editing.

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