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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Deleting Google Search Box History

I have one close friend Rehan who has worked in HDFC, Airtel, Aircel and Reliance. He is going to join Bank of America in a weeks time. It so happened that he needed to clear his Google Search history from his desktop machine. He cleared Internet History but surely Search box history would stay at some other location. So, for his rescue he turned to me today and asked for help. His introductory statement was -- O! Adobe Engineer, Software banane wale ie. Software Engineer he meant ;)., Help me out !!
And again wat a coincidence. I have just now received same query from my colleague working in Adobe Flash Media Server Team. So a common answer to these people with only a common IT Knowledge.

It should be remembered that search history that displays in the search box on the Google homepage is stored by your browser, not by Google. You can clear the history or disable this feature entirely by following steps. No need to panic that Google will store these information:

a.Go to the “Tools” menu
b.Select “Internet Options”
c.Select the “Content” tab
d.Within the “Personal Information” area, select “AutoComplete”
To clear the current history, click on “Clear Forms”
To disable this feature entirely, uncheck the “Forms” box

But do remember that there are still many things that Google Bro stores. When you are signed in then your entire online search activity is stored and monitored. More on this some other time.. :)

Mohd Anwar Jamal Faiz
( Do visit )

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