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Friday, December 24, 2010

Spending Vacations with Happiness

Today is December 24th, 2010, and Adobe is all set for a winter shut down. Everyone seems so excited with their plans of spending vacations in hand. Emails have already been circulated by Power Saving enthusiasts to shut the intelligent boxes down, before our physical logging off from the office. I have also done all the last minute of works and my Manager seems happier. The day also started with one presentation of mine that went well ;) and somehow I feel that it is perfect eve before a long office break. Also, in the coming year I am going to join in one my dream companies.

Just before logging off I want to share a few tips with my followers about being Happy. You know, I have discovered that even Happiness is just like an elegantly written miraculous piece of code that does all amazing stuff for you. The Brain CPU with still-not-known Ghz speed runs this piece of code to collect all the garbages in form of sadness and trash them. So here it is:

Using namepace sense;

Void main()
While(! Feeling_fresh())

Remember(“Life isn’t fair—but it still is good”);

Exercise(15 minutes);

If (you_like_working())
Clean(“Your Desk”);

MakeTarget(“Bring smile on three faces”);

Money x=new Money();“chocolates/energy drink”);
if !x.empty()

Think(“You are the best”);
Think(“Sometimes even you can be wrong”);
Act(“Ask forgiveness/Forgive someone”);

Do_not_insist_on_best();“friends/relatives”,30 minutes);
Television.Watch(30 minutes);

Remember(“You are correct- but God knows better”);

I have devised this algorithm after much thinking. And I shall try to follow this each day of my life. If anyone finds some extension or any bug please report it asap.

This New Year I am all set to change my marital status. I am bored of same "Single" tag on my FB and Orkut Ids. This year I wish I launch MeOnShow and have a great performing website portal. Also this year I plan to quit smoking to an absolute zero point. I plan to pray and I plan to be a dutiful, caring, and rich lover, son, husband, brother, friend and soul mate for everyone associated. I wish I could see happiness on face of *SO* always. Forgetting again, Wish you all a great happy New year. May this year brings joys to your lives. Keep rocking!!!

Merry XMas and Happy New year

-Anwar Jamal Faiz

Monday, November 1, 2010

Setting up IIS and localhost for development and testing purpose on Windows Vista

The steps are very simple, but as requested by many I am just recapitulating the steps in pictorial mode with very short descriptions..

Step 1: Control Panel... Programs... Turn On Features...Select IIS form list that comes... Select your features.

Step2: Installation and settings take some minutes and at last localhost page opens up as shown on Windows vista.

Step 3: Nothing!! It is already installed. You can access localhost by just typing it on any Internet Browser Application eg. IE, Firefox etc.

Friday, October 22, 2010

DOS and DDOS: An article on Hacking using Denial of Service Attacks

A very common term in the field of hacking and Security is DoS Attack. Hackers employ a number of techniques to attack and disrupt computer systems and networks. There is an important point here, to understand the two flavors of DOS attacks. Attacks can be of different types depending on the aim and speciality of the attacker. Some just want to disrupt computer systems but there are some hackers who intend to infiltrate the computers and steal sensitive information for drastic and really crazy purposes.

DOS or Denial of Service attack: This is a common way to attack a computer network. The main intention of a DOS attack is to disrupt the activities of the server through overloading it with unwanted requests. The attacker usually sends large number of requests to the server which leads to overloading. When the server gets overloaded, it is unable to answer to normal requests. DOS attacks are usually directed at websites. It is very easy to prevent and stop DOS attacks. In very plain words it should be noted that DOS attack if properly done can bring server on knees. Users and some scripts and functions would be starved of some services. These services may be among some of the crucial ones.

As said on the Symantec Website:
DoS is a Denial of Service to a victim trying to access a resource. In many cases it can be safey said that the attack requires a protocol flaw as well as some kind of network amplification.
Denial of Services is also an attack on a computer system or network that causes a loss of service to users, typically the loss of network connectivity and services through the the consumption of bandwidth of the victim network, or the overloading the computational resources of the victim system.
The motivation for DoS attacks is not to break into a system. Instead, it is to deny the legitimate use of the system or network to others who need its services. One can say that this will typically happen through one of the following means:
1. Crashing the system.
2. Deny communication between systems.
3. Bring the network or the system down or have it operate at a reduced speed which affects productivity.
4. Hang the system, which is more dangerous than crashing since there is no automatic reboot. Productivity can be disrupted indefinitely.

There is yet another but more advanced form of denial of service attack. Here, a large number of zombie computers are used to send requests to the server which is being attacked. This is popularly known as DDOS or Distributed Denial of Service Attack. This attack causes the server to get overburdened within a short span of time. The zombie computers are controlled by hackers by means of malware. Because of the large number of computers involved in the attack, the power of the attacker gets magnified thousands of times. The best way to protect against distributed denial of service attacks is to use a traffic filter. A traffic filter is a device that prevents traffic from the IPs from where the malicious requests are originating.
Again it is worth to mention what Symantec website says about this:
A Distributed DoS (DDoS) is the combined effort of several machines to bring down victim. In many cases there is a master machine that launches the attack to zombie machines that are part of a bot network, as shown below in Figure 1. Some bot networks contain many thousands of machines used to launch an attack.

-Mohd Anwar Jamal Faiz
Software Engineer (White Box API and Security) at Leading Software Product Company

Monday, October 11, 2010

Changing location of %temp% folder

As we all know that Windows maintains a location where programs can put temporary files. But at times you might want to change that location. Changing this location might cause some installed Application to behave abnormally. But who the geek like you cares!!

The step is pretty simple. And really this is of help to Testing guys who want to test what is its impact over their applications. Although this can be done manually too using a simple batch script, I am telling the manual method. This clearly explains the method.

Go to Windows Command Prompt, (Start->Run->Type cmd and press Enter).Type SET followed by the Enter key. Windows will list a number of what are called "environment variables" that make various types of information available to running programs. Two of them will look much like this:
The DOCUME~1 represents the Documents and Settings folder.
TMP and TEMP both specify the directory to be used for temporary files. Both TMP and TEMP are used for compatibility reasons. You can even edit it here or can change by following method.

Right click on My Computer and click on Properties. In the resulting dialog click on the Advanced tab. Click on the button abeled Environment Variables. The TMP and TEMP is listed in the section labeled User variables. You can edit these path to any desired location and Apply this setting.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Two methods for Accepting User Input in Windows Command Line Prompt

Recently there was a task in Adobe that involved automation of entire Code Coverage Automation System. This involved calling one script after other. As the whole task involved some 100 number of scripts and I had to check the status of system say after execution of script number 56. So I had to interrupt in between in such a way that this interruption does not cause any data loss and we can continue from where we paused. For this I employed user input trick.

Method 1:

You can interact with a user and ask for any data to be entered. The traditional DOS O[perating System had a "Choice" command for a limited interaction. It is now superceded in Windows XP/Vista by the more versatile "set /p".

The syntax is:
set /p variable= [some string]

Here "variable" is the name of the variable that will be assigned to the data that you want the user to input. "some string" is the message that the user will see as a prompt. If desired, the string can be omitted.

Here is an example that asks the user to enter his or her id:
set /p u_id= What is your UserId?

This will create a variable %u_id% whose value is whatever the user enters. Note that the user must press the "Enter' key after typing the input.

You can also access this variable using following syntax:

For example to print what was entered earlier just pass following command on command prompt: echo %u_id%

Method 2:

You can use "copy con" command to achieve somewhat similar goal. The syntax is:

copy con

This command accepts user input (including commas and enter keys) and dumps it into a file specified by the given file name. The reading continues till it is stopeed by Ctrl+z key combination. From there it can be read thereafter.

For example, if you have to prompt user to enter his user id, you can do the following:

echo Please enter your UserId
copy con abc.txt

I tested both the methods and personally found method 2 to be more satisfying. Though I find both methods to be error free, easy and enjoyable, yet you may have your own taste!!

So Happy Tasting (Not Happy Testing ;)

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bewitched Apps using the Genie Effect or Slow Motion Effect in Mac OS X

Have you heard about famous Genie Effect in Mac. It is also regarded as Slow down effect.

You can see this by holding down shift when clicking on the window minus button or documents in the dock. As discussed, I am showing another use of this Genie effect that would make UI of apps in Mac distorted yet perform well.

The trick is to Open up any App or say Safari browser and navigate to a nice long web page.

For instance you can visit MeOnShow.Com or even open one of my another blog Jokes Limitless

Now Launch up a Terminal and type “Killall Dock”. Do not press enter at this time. Also make sure that your App or Safari window is in the background and Terminal is your active window. Now Hold down the shift key and click the minimize button on your App or Safari window. Now in midway of minimizing window press the enter key on terminal to execute your Terminal command. You will be amazed to see that your application, or Safari window in this case, would stuck in a distorted shape. You can scroll through webpage or App, navigate and use your App, Click On buttons, do interaction, in a distorted shaped window. This is the secret logic and trick behind my famous Bewitched Apps Trick that has amazed many of my colleagues in TCS, CSC, Patni, HCL, Adobe and Amazon.

You can write me at
To Know me professionally visit ..Linked In..
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Read jokes at ..Jokes Limitless..
You can also know more about me at ToughJamy : An Informal Me!!

Happy Programming and Happy Hacking.

How to remove Thumb.db file

We all know that Thumb.db file is a cache of the current picture in that directory. But sometimes it become necessary to remove it. In order to remove it go for following step:

2--> go to "TOOLS".
3--> open "FOLDER OPTIONS".
4--> go to "VIEW".
5--> see 1st section "FILES & FOLDERS".
6--> click on the "DO NOT CACHE THUMBNAILS".

Now the thumbnail file will be removed from the computer system. And once you do this the file will be never created.

Some Useful shortcuts tricks and tips in Mac OS X

Today I am writing about several shortcuts and tricks in Mac OSX Platform. Some may be know to few people but some may really amaze you.

a) Select text in your browser and then drag and drop it onto your desktop. There will be a basic text file with your text in it.

b) cmd-click Finder window title: It shows a Pop-up menu showing path to current folder/document

c) Command Key and Tab Key can be used to cycle through your running apps as was done in Win platform using tab key alone.

d) Many do not know that you can change the style of the text/icons of a window by command clicking on the little button in the top right of the window of a program. That small button has more functionality too. Explore!!

e) Have you heard about famous Genie Effect in Mac. It is also regarded as Slow down effect. You can see this by holding down shift when clicking on the window minus button or documents in the dock. I will further explain this in Genie effect blog post separately.

f) Voice over Utility:
You can use apple logo key and F5 to launch Voice over utility App. You may also find this by default at /application/utilities/voiceover. I will write about this utility at some later time but if you explore yourself, you will be more benefitted.

g) Resizing a column divider in a Finder window is simple. But there is yetr another trick. Press Alt-click and drag column divider in Finder column view resizes columns evenly. This would resize width of columns in all finder windows opened.

h) Pressing F11 would engage expose and move all windows to the edge of your screen

i) Negative Vision Trick.
I discovered this a year earlier. Since then I used this many times to stun my younger sis, or for that matter my MBA Wife. Use control+alt (option)+command+8. This would make your screen go like a negative vision of your screen. You can do again the same to revert back.

Write your opinion.

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Read jokes at ..Jokes Linitless..

Emac from Unix to Mac.

The command emac can be used to play some games or some refreshing exercise once you get bored through your usual routine job. I do not know about its history but can be surely searched at Wikipedia. But today I will tell about some tricks with emac.

1) One trick is pressing control+option+command+8.

Another one is going to terminal then typing "emacs", then press "esc" and then "x", then type "doctor" or "tetris" or “life”. The effects are that ‘Tetris’ would pop up the classic ‘tetris’ game, ‘life’ shows the cell division process.

2) If you are a little bit bored, you can try M-x hanoi. If you are considerably bored, give it a numeric argument. If you are extremely bored, then try an argument of 9. Sit back and watch the Hanoi Towers been created.

3) If you want self involvement, try M-x gomoku, which plays the game Go Moku with you.

4) M-x dunnet runs an adventure-style exploration game, which is a bigger sort of puzzle.

5) As told, M-x tetris runs an implementation of the well-known Tetris game. What was not told is that, M-x snake provides an implementation of the famous Snake game.

6) When you are frustrated, try the famous Eliza program. Just do M-x doctor. End each input by typing RET twice.

7) When you are feeling strange, type M-x yow.

8) The command M-x zone plays games with the display when Emacs is idle.
So in this way you can counter react to the boredom at work if it occurs on Unix or Mac platform. One’s who are in luck to always deal with black screen of traditional Unix based system would really know what I mean when I speak of boredom ;)

And yes, do not forget ending with emcs—ctrl+q then ctrl+c .

So, Happy Emac-ing (I prefer calling e-mack-ing)

Mohd Anwar Jamal Faiz meets Ankit Fadia at Adobe QE Summit 2010

Many have asked me (rather requested) to share some hacking tips. For that matter, one thing is to always keep in mind that nothing is not-hackable and no trick is always a sure-hack. The tricks are merely a tweak until user/administrator or the product supplier do not correct them. And when they correct them, there is yet another trick germinating in some mind at some corner of planet. So this is an endless Cycle. This idea of mine which germinated years back got more nourishment on 16th July 2010 at Adobe QE Summit 2010.

I happened to meet Ankit Fadia.

The guy is just genious, no doubt. And his introductory speech that talked about how much prone we are to the hacking and stuff was so very humorous and informative. His sarcasm and his knowledge in his domain is excellent. I could not resist and had a autograph from him on which he inscribe “Happy Hacking Anwar”. It was a memorable experience actually more of becoz you are meeting with a guy who is as young as you and who has a long list of achievements enuff to surpass even a simple NASA chief ( Yes I would call him ‘a simple’)
You can know more about him at Ankit Fadia Official Website or can surely dig him at the Wikipedia

Many, I don’t know why, have started saying that I am inspired by him. I should not say, but I must say, that I do not say what I want to say. And what I want to say is that truly, I wanted to become one like him. But who cares! There are many more paths left where u can manifest your path-breaking stunts.
I attended two of his lectures one on basic computer security and other in detail on tools and analysis of network security. It was nice experience, though many of tricks and tools he talked about was known to me. In particular when you are working as an API and Security Tester in the WhiteBox Team of a Product Company as big as Adobe itself, the you yourself are into the same boots of hacker. Because ethical hacking (incidentally again the term coined by Ankit Fadia) becomes your bread and butter.

You can know more about me at ..Linked In..
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Read jokes at ..Jokes Linitless..

Monday, August 2, 2010

How Google Search Suggest or "did you mean" Algorithm works

According to Douglas M., former CTO of Google , the logic behind suggestions is as follows:

1) Anyone writes a ( misspelled ) word in google

2) If the person does not find what he/she wanted then he/she does not click on any results that came.

3) He/she realizes that there was a typo error. So a rewrite of the word in the search box happens by him/her. That is he/she enters the correct word.

4) He/she finds what they want. They proceed by clicking on any of the result.

This is where the catch is. This pattern multiplied millions of times, by zillions of users, show what are the most common misspells and what are the most "common" corrections. So based on this Goggle corrects the searched query (rather suggests a correct query).

Enjoy Googling!!!

Mohd Anwar jamal Faiz
Jokes Limitless
Puzzles in Job Interviews

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) and Use of Adobe Flex in creating RIA

Rich Internet applications (RIAs) offer a rich, engaging experience that improves user satisfaction and increases productivity. Using the broad reach of the Internet, RIAs can be deployed across browsers and desktops. It enables a new class of applications that combines the responsiveness and interactivity of desktop applications with the broad reach and ease of distribution of the web. RIAs can yield increased return on investment (ROI) by providing simple means and improving the user interaction-enabling users to find information more easily, complete tasks quickly and accurately, and use rich data visualization to make better presentations as well as improved decisions.

Basically RIA is a technology that caters to following two need of the hour:
• A new class of client runtime that can support the range of needs inherent in rich Internet business applications
• Tools and technology that can provide a productive environment for building, maintaining, and managing these applications throughout their lifecycle

As mentioned by Adobe Official Website, RIAs offer organizations a proven, cost-effective way to deliver modern applications with real business benefits:
• Offer users a richer, more engaging experience.
• Keep pace with users' rising expectations.
• Increase customer loyalty and generate higher profits.
• Leverage existing personnel, processes, and infrastructure.

It is very important to note that business executives increasingly recognize the value customer engagement brings to their businesses. For example, in a recent study on engagement conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit on behalf of Adobe, 80% of executives said that better engagement translates into improved customer loyalty, and 75% said they believed it meant higher profits. In March 2007, Forrester Research published "The Business Case for Rich Internet Applications," a report based on interviews with RIA technology providers and designers, as well as Forrester Research clients and customers. The report revealed that "well-designed RIAs can produce eye-popping results that can help prove the value of current investments and make the case for future RIA projects."

The first point before adopting RIA is to identify which technology is best. Undoubtedly, a unanimous choice would be Adobe products and framework. This becomes so easy choice because of primarily two reasons:
1) Usefullness and effectiveness
2) Less effort to adopt and build applications
3) Beautiful animation and visual appeal
4) Prominence of Flash Run Time Environment over computers worldwide.

If I try to analyze the fourth point in a better way, I would conclude that building RIAs with Adobe technologies offers additional benefits. Adobe's clients have a long history of delivering consistent, cross-platform experiences. The Adobe® Flash® Player runtime reaches 98% of Internet-enabled desktops and more than 450 million devices, offering businesses greater reach than with any other client technology available. Adobe AIR™, the latest client from Adobe, leverages the power of Flash Player while adding the capability to deploy RIAs directly to the desktop.
Finally, since Adobe technologies enable designers and developers to build RIAs with their current tools and skills, businesses can leverage existing personnel and assets to enhance customer engagement while minimizing expense.

Flex is a standard-based programming model for high performance rich internet applications. Flex application will take advantage of adobe flash player 9, 10 et. Al. and this will enable developer to extend the capabilities enables the client with richer applications in real time. Technically, the Flex framework represents the presentation tire in multitier architecture applications and will be easy integrated with server-side functionality. If you want to create flex application then, you will start this application on Flex builder, which is IDE with visual layout, debugging, skinning, coder hinting and styling for developing rich Internet applications. In my opinion, the biggest advantages of using the Flash player as a runtime for your RIA as opposed to using AJAX: Firstly, the Write once, deploy cross platform capability. Secondly, You can turn your Flex application into a desktop application without much changes. So that means switching your application from Web based to Desktop and Vice versa is so easy in Flex. Thirdly, you can build UI's that look and feel the way you want them to, and not forced into having limitations by your development technology. Fourth, Flex provides many many tools, data grids, containers, components, 3d integration etc. Fifth ActioScript 3.0 provides you endless features and capabilities. And lastly, you can run Flex based Flash swf files even with PHP, Java or And in addition, there are many other benefits that compel anyone to learn, try and use Flex.

So wish you all great applications to come up from Adobe flex. Rich Internet Applications have started blooming and I can only see them in coming future. A long time to reign for RIAs particularly Adobe Flex and AS 3.0. (IMO (, in my opinion) ;) )

Happy Flexing!!!
Mohd Anwar Jamal Faiz
View ToughJamy : An Informal Me!!
View MeOnShow Website

Monday, July 26, 2010

more shortcuts in Mac OSx for taking screenshots

Command-Shift-3: Take a screenshot of the screen, and save it as a file on the desktop
Command-Shift-4, then select an area: Take a screenshot of an area and save it as a file on the desktop
Command-Shift-4, then space, then click a window: Take a screenshot of a window and save it as a file on the desktop
Command-Control-Shift-3: Take a screenshot of the screen, and save it to the clipboard
Command-Control-Shift-4, then select an area: Take a screenshot of an area and save it to the clipboard
Command-Control-Shift-4, then space, then click a window: Take a screenshot of a window and save it to the clipboard

Taking screen shot in Mac OSx

Taking screenshot in windows is very simple. A keypress can do that but on Mac it requires a combination of keys. But on the other hand, the added advantage in Mac is that you can select the area under screen shot very easily.

1) Taking full screen shot
Command[Apple] + shift + 3 = take a screen shot. The screen shot will be automatically saved as a PNG file on your desktop.

2) Taking selective area screenshot
The same instead of 4 brings up a cross and can take a screen shot of a selection. A cross-hair cursor will appear and you can click and drag to select the area you wish to capture.

3) Taking screenshot of an application window
To capture a specific application window, press Command-Shift-4, then press the Spacebar. The cursor will become a camera, and you can move it around the screen. On moving cursor over an application window, the window will be highlighted. When you have the cursor over a window you want to capture, just click the mouse button and the screen shot will be saved as a PNG file on your desktop

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How can you Free Download Google Video or YouTube streaming video

Though playing video online has become easier, yet buffering and low internet speed can spoil everyones's mood. Watching Shakira's new waka waks for the FIFA world cup 2010, I was aghast to see the speed with which it played. I tried finding out ways to download the content rightaway. Here are my findings:

1) There is an old hack as follows--
• Go to Google Video and find some video.
• View the web page source code from View->Source and search for the keyword ‘googleplayer‘
• Copy and paste the videoUrl parameter. That means all the characters after the keyword ‘videoUrl=’
• Press Ctrl-L to go to URL location bar. Type Javascript:unescape(”videoUrl”) where videoUrl should be the last parameter you have copied into the clipboard. This will execute javascript and return you unescaped text.
• The unescaped text has actual URL on the broswer, copy and paste that URL onto your browser location bar again to download the FLV movie.
• You can try playing it with a FLV Player or convert using standard converters.

2) There is yet another method. You can use many online tools. These tools directly expose the correct URL. They may even download the video content rightaway. You can use websites such as:
Incidentally, the above three websites happen to have top three results in Google search.

3) At last I must tell you the best thing that I found. There are many softwares that are Free of cost available and they work for Youtube, Google video and on many other famous video publishing and sharing websites. Fo instance:
a)Sothink Video Catcher
b)Moyea FLV Downloader

So enjoy!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

On Someone's something, someone said something to someone, somewhere at some time. Why am I to be blamed?

Python string encryption and decryption is so easy.

Just try the following piece of code-->
import os
b="Ba Fbzrbar'f fbzrguvat, fbzrbar fnvq fbzrguvat gb fbzrbar, fbzrjurer ng fbzr gvzr. Jul nz V gb or oynzrq?"
print b.decode(a.decode('hex_codec'))

Can u guess the output??

;) Keep updated. Stay tuned @Discussioons for IT People

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 | Online IDE & Debugging Tool

I came across Ideone. I stopeed there. And I used it. Now I give stars to the IDEone Teams accompalishments. IDEOne is an online IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and debugging tool which enables users to share and run code online. The website describes that It is like a pastebin designed specifically for programmers and developers. All the code snippets run on Ideone and can be accessed conveniently via hash links. The easy to use UI is so easy and you dont have to write extra configuration lines of codes. It is as simple as writing code in and IDE on your device itself. And most importantly, since this runs on server you can run codes even on mobile phones. This is just great.

I created this snippet to test a simple code on IDEOne in C++. And it worked properly!!

IDEOne gives you option to write you code online. It is really useful for beginners and evangelists. The best part is that you can write in 40+ languages. It provides you with details about code and its execution including the memory usage, execution time, compiler version, output generated by program and error messages. This service would be of great use when you have to quickly execute code and don’t have a desktop IDE installed.

You can check this out at Ideone Home page

You can optionally turn on syntax highlighting for your code. Much more to see itself than description. But would be a nice online landup where you can learn and test some rare languages too.

You can also check out the public code snippets executed by other users. Ideone is free to use, does not require installation of any extra software or plug-ins, and can be used as a replacement for your existing desktop IDE.

I even tried with simple Python Code:

I was inquisitive to know on what machine is the code and this IDE really executing. I found out that using above code. Result came out to be ‘posix’.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Salute to Google. A legendary WebPage.

Recently, I have come across an innovative idea of Google. Google Directory and SideWiki. I guess this can be a revolutionary step to involve masses in writing about internet. A great Indexing can happen then . I guess working on similar lines of google directory stuff.

You people seriously Rock. Salute to Larry and Sergy.

Thanks and regards on behalf of Universe,
Mohd Anwar Jamal Faiz


in reference to: Google (view on Google Sidewiki)

Deleting Google Search Box History

I have one close friend Rehan who has worked in HDFC, Airtel, Aircel and Reliance. He is going to join Bank of America in a weeks time. It so happened that he needed to clear his Google Search history from his desktop machine. He cleared Internet History but surely Search box history would stay at some other location. So, for his rescue he turned to me today and asked for help. His introductory statement was -- O! Adobe Engineer, Software banane wale ie. Software Engineer he meant ;)., Help me out !!
And again wat a coincidence. I have just now received same query from my colleague working in Adobe Flash Media Server Team. So a common answer to these people with only a common IT Knowledge.

It should be remembered that search history that displays in the search box on the Google homepage is stored by your browser, not by Google. You can clear the history or disable this feature entirely by following steps. No need to panic that Google will store these information:

a.Go to the “Tools” menu
b.Select “Internet Options”
c.Select the “Content” tab
d.Within the “Personal Information” area, select “AutoComplete”
To clear the current history, click on “Clear Forms”
To disable this feature entirely, uncheck the “Forms” box

But do remember that there are still many things that Google Bro stores. When you are signed in then your entire online search activity is stored and monitored. More on this some other time.. :)

Mohd Anwar Jamal Faiz
( Do visit )

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Overriding New and Delete Operators

Recently in Acrobat Team of Adobe Systems, I was amidst a situation in which I had to overload the “new” and “delete” operators. This came like a thunderstorm to me initially, but merely a second thought gave me some comfort. And hola!! Within two hours I was with complete implementation of the Idea. I have written this as my new story because , For most programming tasks, the default implementation of new and delete is sufficient. In fact, many C++ programmers get along without even knowing that they can override these operators.

I have really come to conclusion that modifying these operators for a given class is essential in certain advanced programming tasks. One example might be when you need to ensure that all instances of a class are allocated from a custom memory pool instead of the free-store.

There are other useful applications of overriding new and delete: implementing a garbage collector, or ensuring that objects are allocated on a specific memory address.

My design is as follows:

class A
static void* operator new (size_t size);
void *p=allocate_from_pool(size);
return p;

static void operator delete (void *p);


THe real use come when you write some additional tasks in these functions. The easiest and most commonly used tasks could be refCount or logging in some file, etc.

Remember that when you declare new and delete as class members, they are implicitly declared static. Still, it's advisable to add the keyword static to their declarations to document this property explicitly.

Again it is important to remember that C++ guarantees that an object's destructor is automatically called just before delete executes. Therefore, you shouldn't invoke A's destructor explicitly. In case you do so, it would cause undefined behavior as the destructor will actually run twice.

Now this implementation can actually be used in your personal or professional work. Just don’t stop thanking me for this. ;)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Javascript - Validate Email Address

An email Address constitute of following:

--A combination of letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, plus signs, and/or underscores
--The at symbol @
--A combination of letters, numbers, hyphens, and/or periods. (Alphanumerics)
--A period
--The top level domain name (com, net, org, mobi, us, etc)

Some valid examples are:

Invalid Examples:
• - no characters before the @
•cumon& - invalid character &
• - underscores are not allowed in the domain name

For the purpose of email validation I employ regular expressions. The function validateEmailId would do the task for us, as follows:

function validateEmailId(element, alertMessage)
{/*Written by : Mohd Anwar Jamal Faiz 18 May 2008
Language : JavaScript

1. element is the Document element having email address , usually a textbox.
2. alertMessage would be the error message if email address is wrongly formed.

Note: Use of this function is free. But you must not remove the link to this blog.
var emailExp = /^[\w\-\.\+]+\@[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\.[a-zA-z0-9]{2,4}$/;
return true;
return false;

You can use this function in conjugation with appropriate HTML code. For example there can be a webpage having a form as follows:

* Please note that I kept HTML in a remark tag. Or else, this page would have not contained code. Instead a real text box and button would have appeared. But this technique didnt work. So again I made a picture of the text and uploaded on blogger. There are many other ways which I will discuss, at some later time.

Till then, this was the tip of the day!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Media nearing Money effect

I came across a video of a news channel reporting on India's losing in T20. The voice articulation is so dramatic. The reporting style is so hillarious. I regard this as Media nearing Money Effect.

Check Video at:

Indian media has nowadays really gone crazy. How can you blame players so critically for losing in a either-win-or-lose game. These days there are so many 24x7 news channels, which are presenting news only for getting TRP rating. Many news channels are presenting orthodox, supersitious and astrological programmes only to create sensation. This news is just an illegitimate offspring of Media nearing Money. We have already witnessed disastrous outcome of this M and M relation. Someone, should give it a voice...

Traceability matrix and Baseline

Traceability : It is a tool to monitor the progress of Software Testing. It is used to check if some of the test cases are left out or not in Manual and automated testing.

Baseline : It is the point at which some deliverable produced during the software engineering process is put under formal change control

Baseline, in simple words is a software specification or functionality that is reviewed or accepted for development. Once the functionality is baseline, we can start developing of the functionality. A Traceability Matrix, on the other hand, lists all the functionality or features and the test cases for each feature. By using the traceability matrix we can measure, when to stop testing of the project or application.

A traceability matrix is a document, usually in the form of a table, that correlates any two baselined documents that require a many to many relationship to determine the completeness of the relationship. It is often used with high-level requirements (these often consist of marketing requirements) and detailed requirements of the software product to the matching parts of high-level design, detailed design, test plan, and test cases.

Generally Traceability Matrix contains:
1. UseCaseID(Functionality/Feature).
2. Description of the Feature.
3. Priority for the Feature.
4. TestCaseIDs for this Feature. (Once if the mapped testcases for each Feature meets Success criteria, then we can stop testing of the project)
5. In which phase is the Feature (Unit,Component,Integration,System)

A requirements traceability matrix may be used to check to see if the current project requirements are being met, and to help in the creation of a Request for Proposal, various deliverable documents, and project plan tasks.

Common usage is to take the identifier for each of the items of one document and place them in the left column. The identifiers for the other document are placed across the top row. When an item in the left column is related to an item across the top, a mark is placed in the intersecting cell. The number of relationships are added up for each row and each column. This value indicates the mapping of the two items. Zero values indicate that no relationship exists. It must be determined if one must be made. Large values imply that the relationship is too complex and should be simplified.

To ease the creation of traceability matrices, it is advisable to add the relationships to the source documents for both backward traceability and forward traceability. In other words, when an item is changed in one baselined document, it's easy to see what needs to be changed in the other.

Adobe is firing back at Apple with love

I came across a beautiful article on latest Adobe Apple controversy. I got this from Yahoo. Readers can read this--

Adobe Systems Inc. is countering Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs' recent jab at Adobe's Flash technology for Web video and games. The company is running ads in newspapers and popular technology blogs saying "We Love Apple" — with a bright red heart in place of love.
Jobs had described Flash as outdated, unreliable and unfit for Apple's iPhone and iPad gadgets. In a detailed, 1,685-word offensive posted online two weeks ago. Jobs spelled out the reasons why Apple continues to ban Flash from its mobile devices, including "reliability, security and performance," and the fact that Flash was designed "for PCs using mice, not for touch screens using fingers."
But he said the most important reason is that Flash puts a third party between Apple and software developers. In other words, developers can take advantage of improvements from Apple only if Adobe upgrades its own software.
Adobe's ad — at 82 words — begins, "We love creativity," "We love innovation," "We love apps."
"What we don't love," it continues, "is anybody taking away your freedom to choose what you create, how you create it, and what you experience on the Web."
The full-page ads appeared Thursday in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and more than a dozen other newspapers. Online, they peppered tech blogs such as ArsTechnica, Engadget and TechCrunch, as well as and Wired.
Adobe co-founders Chuck Geschke and John Warnock, highly regarded in Silicon Valley, also posted a statement titled "Our thoughts on open markets" — 411 words — criticizing Apple.

"When markets are open, anyone with a great idea has a chance to drive innovation and find new customers," they wrote, adding that Apple's "opposite approach" could undermine a future in which mobile devices outnumber traditional computers on the Internet.
Adobe would not say how much it spent on the ad campaign. For comparison, a full-page black-and-white advertisement costs $223,000 in The Wall Street Journal, assuming no discounts were given for running it over several days.
David Wadhwani, head of Adobe's platform business, said it's something the company feels passionate about because it enables a discussion over who controls the Web. And he stressed Adobe's stance that Flash "is an open platform, with a vibrant ecosystem around it."
In a statement, Apple said that it, too, believed in openness. The company said that is why it favors the emerging HTML5 programming standard rather than Adobe's proprietary Flash product for Web video.

Solar energy in mobile towers

Solar energy in its raw form may be pollution-free, but manufacturing the devices that get the energy out of light and heat requires metal and other material, requiring mines and smelters, therein causing pollution. Maybe the most exciting thing about solar energy today is not only that the costs continue to drop and efficiencies continue to rise, but that clean solar energy is arriving at last. New technologies allow new methods of manufacturing which pollute much less, and often run on solar energy.
Solar heating and solar electric systems can now generate thermal and electric energy over their service life up to 100 times the energy input during their manufacture. This ratio; the energy it will produce in its lifetime, compared to the amount of energy input to manufacture and maintain an energy system, has doubled in the last 20 years for most solar technologies. The ratio of energy out vs. energy in for solar systems has become so favorable that the economic and ecological viability of solar power is now beyond question.
One reason solar energy still cannot compete financially vs. conventional energy is because the value of future energy output from a photovoltaic system is discounted when calculating, for example, an internal rate of return. These economic models that put a time-value on money, making long-term receipts not worth as much as near-term receipts cannot necessarily be applied to energy. Traditional models of economic analysis for an energy system lasting 50 years treat the free energy in years 11 through 50 as nearly worthless. The underlying assumption when discounting returns beyond 10 years is that BTUs are as fungible as currencies; something that is arguable but not certain. If a society as a whole desires energy independence, a solar energy system’s return on investment in year 50 is no less valuable than the return on investment in year one.

Our concern is - can this solar energy be used to meet power requirements of so many mobile towers. Currently diesel refilling is being done. How about establishing solar panels on mobile towers itself.
Still working on the idea.. Will write again.

Bug in InstallShield12. Error 1301 and 1304. Flexera Installshield Bug vulnerability

I noticed a bug in Installshield and have already reported on their website. I am making this available to my readers so that they dont get amazed if this happens to them. I am already tracking this on company's website. More information can be sought on give URL:
Click to Visit Flexera InstallShield official Website Bug

Click to Visit Flexera InstallShield Community Pages Archive for more Info

Let's say you have to make an MSI that would install an executable 'abc.exe' and a folder 'xyz' having few files (any files). You can very well make such an MSI.
Now, try to install using this MSI. Definitely, it installs.
Now after installation, go to install location and delete the 'abc.exe' and instead create a folder with name 'abc.exe'.

Now try to Reinstall in repair mode. We get following message-
Error 1301: "Cannot create file abc.exe because a folder with same name exists. Try to Install on different location." This seems pretty OK

But on this screen we have an option of Ignore. Clicking on Ignore gives an error that is weird--
Error 1304: "Error while writing file \xyz\. Verify that you have access to that directory."

This is a bug. Either Ignore should not be there, or the Error 1304 should not come.

Someone from Flexera to comment!!!!!

Mohd Anwar Jamal Faiz

Nokia Secret Codes

Hi All

On request of my Bhabhi, Dr. Seema, I am writing a post on secret codes of Nokia.
Please Note that this has been collected from internet, and I do not own any responsibility of any damage caused to your mobile devices.

This post would of help to many of my friends especially Janu, Mohsin, Sarvesh and Sisters Sam and cousins. Since blog is open for the entire world, anyone can take the benefits. ;) smile please !!

The tricks are pretty simple, with information/description sideways.

To check the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) Type-
Information you get from the IMEI-

• TAC = Type approval code
• FAC = Final assembly code
• SNR = Serial number
• SP = Spare
To check the phones Software revision type-
Information you get from the Software revision-
V 05.31
• 1ST Line = Software revision
• 2ND Line = The date of the software release
• 3RD Line = Phone type
To enter the service menu type-
*#92702689# (*#WAR0ANTY#)

To activate EFR (Enhanced Full Rate) Enter the code-
This improves call quality but decreases batterylife by about 5%
To deactivate it, Enter the code-

These Nokia codes will work on most Nokia mobile phones
This Nokia code activates Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) – Your Nokia cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%#3370#
Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)*#4720#

On the main screen type in:
*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
*#7780# reset to factory settings.
*#67705646# This will clear the LCD display(operator logo).
*#0000# To view software version.
*#2820# Bluetooth device address.
*#746025625# Sim clock allowed status.
#pw+1234567890+1# Shows if sim have restrictions.
*#92702689# - takes you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:
1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)
4. Displays the date of the last repair - if found (0000)
5. Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start)
*#3370# - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. Increase signal strength, better signal reception. It also help if u want to use GPRS and the service is not responding or too slow. Phone battery will drain faster though.
*#3370* - (EFR) deactivation. Phone will automatically restart. Increase battery life by 30% because phone receives less signal from network.
*#4720# - Half Rate Codec activation.
*#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation. The phone will automatically restart
If you forgot wallet code for Nokia S60 phone, use this code reset: *#7370925538#
Note, your data in the wallet will be erased. Phone will ask you the lock code. Default lock code is: 12345
Press *#3925538# to delete the contents and code of wallet.
Unlock service provider: Insert sim, turn phone on and press vol up(arrow keys) for 3 seconds, should say pin code. Press C,then press * message should flash, press * again and 04*pin*pin*pin# \
*#7328748263373738# resets security code.
Default security code is 12345
Change closed caller group (settings >security settings>user groups) to 00000 and ure phone will sound the message tone when you are near a radar speed trap. Setting it to 500 will cause your phone 2 set off security alarms at shop exits, gr8 for practical jokes! (works with some of the Nokia phones.) Press and hold "0" on the main screen to open wap browser.
*#147# This lets you know who called you last (Only vodofone)
*#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)
*#21# This phone code allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to
*#2640# Displays phone security code in use
*#30# Lets you see the private number
*#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your cell phone.
*#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to
*#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to
*#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to

Veracode as new WhiteBox Testing Tool

Veracode has launched a Software Security Ratings Service, introducing its new system for use in testing the security of applications. Veracode claims to have unveiled the world's first standards-based system for rating the overall security of software programs before they are put into production mode. Again, from usability point of view, Learnin to use VeraCode needs a little more effort than writing 20 lines on Cow!

Veracode SecurityReview delivers benefits to every enterprise:

Exceptional accuracy—The SecurityReview subscription service is supported by a team of world-class experts who constantly review and refine testing methods to deliver the industry's most accurate software security review.
Faster production—SecurityReview accelerates secure application development by providing an application security review that can fit into any development cycle. Because Veracode's solution can handle large volumes of code and return actionable results within 24 to 72 hours, development teams can more easily manage schedules and meet deadlines while ensuring higher security for the enterprise.
Reduced expense—With secure software testing available on an as-needed basis, companies pay only for the services they require.
Complete review—Veracode testing includes tests for malicious code as well as lack of security functionality. It can test both internally and externally developed applications, and can perform dynamic as well as static application security testing. It is simply the most comprehensive software review available.

While many software product have begun using source code analysis tools to look for potential vulnerabilities in their applications, Veracode aims to take the process one step further by offering businesses and ISVs the ability to scan binary code of their programs for problems.

Undoubtedly, there are some constraints on type of build you post to VeraCode for scanning and analysis. There are 5-6 checks as told by VeraCode guideline document. But the, the pre-Scan of VeraCode also helps you a lot if in case you missout something, or forget some symbol files (.pdb files)

Testing binary code allows developers to scan an entire application before it is taken into production, thus increasing their likelihood of finding errors they might have missed along the way, and eliminating the need to pursue code that ends up getting cut from a program before it approaches its final state, Veracode officials said.

The approach also benefits efforts to develop software using the increasingly popular SOA approach by allowing workers to test code being drawn from multiple programs in their final, integrated state, the company maintains. With its great UI, using VeraCode is easy and so helpful!

Running applications with elevated rights in Win-Vista

There is a property of Win-Vista to automatically lower the administrative rights of users that belong to local administrators group. This forces them to run applications and commands like they were normal users like guest with no admin rights.

But fortunately there is a simple and secret shortcut to run any application or any command in windows vista with elevated administrative privileges.

Shortcut is: “ctrl+shift+enter”

This means taht select an application to run using your mouse.
Then Click on three buttons each pressed: ctrl+shift+Enter.

As soon as enter is pressed the application is launched, but this time with elevated rights. This looks like supercool shorcut.

But how many of you really use Win-Vista ;)

Flex, Flash, AIR-- what is the affair!!!!

In one of my team meetings in Adobe, I raised a question on what is the difference between Flex and Flash. This was the time when I was completely unaware of what actually Flex is. Flash, ofcourse, everyone would know because of so many flashy website born everyday.

Going simple, Flex is another language, written as mxml document, which becomes Actionscript 3, and finally converted in .swf binaries. So flex to me is really a suite of tools and an environment to build bigger, more reliable more complex Flash applications. You can do anything in flash you can do in Flex, but it is often harder.

Flex provides the ability to create a SWF file (flash player files) that run on the Adobe Flash Player in any web browser. Just like the Flash was created to enable animators and illustrators to provide visually appealing experiences on the web, Flex was design for the same purpose, but Flex is Flash’s “big brother”, it’s the same “technology” but the way applications are built is different and allow much more complicated applications to be built by software engineers instead of animators

My cousin, Mohsin, and friends Servesh and Azeem were much confused when I told them these things. And then, an intelligent question was raised by my soul-partner *SO*, on how many platforms any Flex application can run on. It must be noted that there are 3 platforms that Flex can run in. Flash, Flash Lite, and Air. But story never ends without objection from my cute lil sis, Samreen. Being more into Law books, it was unpexted to see her asking that what about Flex over Mac, and over phones!

So, I clarified, "Flash is for the browser. Flash Lite is for the phone. and AIR is for the desktop". This was enough for all of them say unanimously "Anwar Rocks!!"

Remember, Flex can be used to create any of these applications. However, Flash lite doesn't allow the use of ActionScript which is essential for creating complex apps.

The difference is also the libraries that you have access to. AIR provides additional libraries so that you can talk to the OS and get things like file listings.

Noted difference between Flex and Flash is that, Flex was not built for animators, writers, accountants; it was written for software developers and the paradigm matches the development methodologies they already know. If one knows Java, C, C++, C#, Delphi, VB, PHP, ColdFusion, Python, Javascript or any other number of programming languages and environments, then he/she can learn Flex with little effort. Flex has classes, components, a compiler, a debugger, class libraries, and uses XML (MXML) for declarative markup of components. This makes it a complete OOP Language.

My write up would not be complete without mentioning that Flex Applications Run on the Desktop too! Adobe AIR, a new runtime, by Adobe Systems, enables the developer to write desktop software that runs on 3 operating systems ( Mac, Windows, Linux ) with the same file. This allows your applications to run as true desktop applications rather than just a website and allows you to do much more than the web provides today. The look and feel remains same. This minimizes your lot of effort making your applications set on various platforms. Once done, it is done on all!

So, 3 cheers for Adobe.
And one cheer for me too! ( For posting this blog)

Rough Set Theory : Brief Notes

Wikipedia says:
A rough set, first described by Zdzisław I. Pawlak, is a formal approximation of a crisp set (i.e., conventional set) in terms of a pair of sets which give the lower and the upper approximation of the original set. In the standard version of rough set theory (Pawlak 1991), the lower- and upper-approximation sets are crisp sets, but in other variations, the approximating sets may be fuzzy sets.

I am providing you with some info on where this theory can be applied. For more details and fundamentals of rough set theory wait for my posts in near future.

Rough set methods can be applied as a component of hybrid solutions in machine learning and data mining. They have been found to be particularly useful for rule induction and feature selection (semantics-preserving dimensionality reduction). Rough set-based data analysis methods have been successfully applied in bioinformatics, economics and finance, medicine, multimedia, web and text mining, signal and image processing, software engineering, robotics, and engineering (e.g. power systems and control engineering). Recently, rough set principles have been also used in the open source database software by Infobright.
Applications of rough sets theory to knowledge discovery involve collecting empirical data and building classification models from the data [1–3]. The main distinction in this approach is it's primarily concerned with the acquisition of decision tables from data followed by their analysis and simplification by identifying attribute dependencies, minimal nonredundant subsets of attributes, most important attributes, and minimized rules. The technology of rough sets has been applied to practical knowledge discovery problems since late 1980s. The first commercial software tool for rough set-based knowledge discovery application development was sold in the early 1990s by Reduct Systems, Inc. [4]. It was called Datalogic. Here, I briefly discuss some representative applications of this technology using Datalogic and other tools (See [5, 6] for more indepth details). Most of these apps fall into categories such as market research, medicine, control, drug and new material design research, stock market, pattern recognition, and environmental engineering.

This is awesome theory that can be used in making spam less meta search egine also. The anti-spamming nature can be exploited to make spam-less mail systems. :)

Keep waiting for more info;) (or write to me)

Random picture movement on webpage

Open any webpage having some picture:
Copy and paste following code in Address bar.(single line)
Press ENTER or Go.
See the fun

javascript:R=-1;DI=document.links;DIL=DI.length;function A(a,b,c){return Math.sin(R/350*6.28*b+a)*c+c}function B(a){DIS=DI.item(a).style;DIS.position='absolute';DIS.left=A(5,100,500);,60,150)}setInterval('R++;B(R%DIL)',15);void(0)

Keep checking for good discussions and great tricks ;)

***Orkut - Friend's Scrabbook flooding

This script is used to flood your frnd's scrap-book.

[For informational purpose only. Use at your own Risk. May be illegal! ]

Edit the script and give it a hit in adress bar


javascript:var i=0;function drm(){i=i+1;document.forms[0].elements[2].value=""+""+i+"";document.getElementsByTagName('input').item(3).click();}; void(setInterval(drm,600));

You can very well change these scripts and modify them according to your needs.

***Orkut-- Self scrapbook flooding

This script is used to flood your own scrap-book.

[For informational purpose only. Use at your own Risk. May be illegal! ]

Write a scrap in text box and then paste it into adress-bar and then hit ENTER


javascript:function deatheater(){document.getElementsByTagName('input').item(3).click();}; void(setInterval(deatheater,500));

It should be noted to set the interval according to your internet speed.

Time of any location using Google

Hey, sometimes our system clocks go wrong. Or there is sudden need of finding exact time. Many of us might be probably working for client which are based at different locations. And communication has to be carried out.

Google comes to rescue..

With Google at your hands we don’t have to install any software. It would be just simple to use a query for finding the current time such as,

time delhi
time paris

One thing for caution. It does not works for all nooks and corners. Eg. Time Balochistan would not yield anything.

Find Meaning of any word...


This post might feel a lighter one, yet it is of much use for a person unaware of this. I will tell you a way to find meanings of words using Google.

We do not need to carry a dictionary or install any software for the purpose of finding out a meaning of a word. With the enormous information in Google’s hands, its a piece of cake to find out the meaning of the word. Just use the define: keyword. The meaning would of course be displayed but also a set of other links which might have an alternative definition are also given out with the link to read more about it. Its simple. Try...

In Google's Search Box, just type:


Even if words are not available in some dictionaries, but Google search is nearly without any bounds. Suppose you want to know what SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is then you would have no choice. Google Search comes to your rescue in this case,

Abbreviations - define: SOA
Jargons - define: captcha
SMS language - define: LOL

So, it comes out that since Google search is not dependent on any dictionary. rather it is based on enormous wealth available all over web. So, we are likely to find a more contemporary and relevant meaning each time.

Cool Trick with website images!!!

Mathematics in itself is a fun and sheer joy if you are able to see through its beauty.

I feel that as you keep on realizing the application of mathematics and its ideas in different branches of science, philosophy and technology, you will start enjoying every aspects of it. Especially, I find the number science and the effects of simple functions on the ranges that a domain of inputs can bring as amazing. 

Let me show a simple trick using Javascript. It will use a great mathematical trick. Please feel free to dive into it if you want.

Remember that JavaScript is a popular scripting language. It powers the most popular Web 2.0 applications with a combination of web development technique called AJAX.
However, Javascript can and is very well employed to create stunning effects in Web pages.

In addition it can also be copied and pasted in the address bar of a web browser. This will run the javascript code in the address bar over the webpage/document already loaded in the browser.

Lets stop gambling with words. Some men (women too!) really need action. So, here it goes...

1. Open a web page with some pictures/images
You may even try with this webpage itself (so no need to open new)
or, You may also open and search for whatever you like eg. cartoon.
2. Copy and paste the following code in the address bar of your internet browser.

javascript:R=0; it_discussions=5;x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function mohdajf(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.mkssddddddddddd=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('mohdajf()',it_discussions); void(0);

Voila!! The pictures have started dancing!
This is a single manifest of the power of Mathematics used with Javascript!

It is evident that there can be much of fun with this one line of code.

In case, you modify the code to create yet another stunning cool image motions, please share it on IT-Discussions Blog.

Why this New IT Discussions blog? And, what is W3LC *

The reason for starting a blog can vary depending on the individual. Some people may start a blog as a way to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences with a wider audience, while others may use a blog as a platform to promote their business or personal brand. Some possible reasons for starting a blog include:

  • Sharing a particular interest or passion
  • Building a personal brand or reputation
  • Offering insights or advice on a specific topic
  • Connecting with like-minded individuals or building a community
  • Building a platform for a business or product
  • providing a creative outlet for writing or photography
  • Sharing your journey and progress to a particular goal
  • Documenting and keeping a record of your personal growth and development
  • Making money through advertising and affiliate marketing

Earlier I started Due to me migration to a permanent Gmail account, Google was not able to provide me access to my previous blog. (Already reported this bug). Btw, the reason of starting this and previous blog is (already posted in previous blog) - The world lacked a good blog on seriously good IT discussions.

The proves are...

1) You are reading this.

2) The Domain name was available! 

3) I was not into writing blogs prior to this!!

So, here comes an attempt to fill up this void... IT-Discussions!! 
Looking forward to seeing you read, enjoy, and comment. Learning would, of course, be a side-effect.

Later the blog was renamed to W3LC or the World Wide Web Learner's Consortium. A learners' consortium is a group of individuals or organizations that come together to share resources, knowledge, and expertise in order to support learning and professional development. The purpose of a learners' consortium is to provide opportunities for individuals to learn and grow in a collaborative and supportive environment. Consortium members may include schools, universities, businesses, non-profits, and government agencies. They typically work together to create and deliver educational programs, share best practices, and develop new technologies and approaches to learning. Consortiums can be focused on a specific subject area or industry, and they can be local, regional, national or international in scope. They are a great way to provide learners with access to a wide range of resources and support that they may not otherwise have access to.

Warm wishes,
New-IT-Discussions Team
(Earlier, IT-Discussions Team)
Mow - W3LC - World Wide Web Learner's Consortium

We make you feel geek.