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Friday, May 14, 2010

Running applications with elevated rights in Win-Vista

There is a property of Win-Vista to automatically lower the administrative rights of users that belong to local administrators group. This forces them to run applications and commands like they were normal users like guest with no admin rights.

But fortunately there is a simple and secret shortcut to run any application or any command in windows vista with elevated administrative privileges.

Shortcut is: “ctrl+shift+enter”

This means taht select an application to run using your mouse.
Then Click on three buttons each pressed: ctrl+shift+Enter.

As soon as enter is pressed the application is launched, but this time with elevated rights. This looks like supercool shorcut.

But how many of you really use Win-Vista ;)


  1. vista had many problms... so not many liked or have the vista version of ppl i know

  2. Thanks Anonymous reviewer !!
    Your review would be helpful on few others articles too.
    Take care :)
