In Spring Boot, the @Autowired annotation is used to automatically wire beans in the Spring application context. When a field is annotated with @Autowired, the Spring framework will automatically inject an instance of the required type into the field. This is done by looking up the required bean in the Spring application context and injecting it into the field. The @Autowired annotation can be used on fields, constructors, and methods. The use of @Autowired is optional, if you don't use it, Spring will still be able to wire the beans, but you will have to use the setter or constructor method to set the dependencies. Additionally, the @Autowired annotation can also be used with the @Qualifier annotation, which is used to specify which bean should be injected when there are multiple beans of the same type available in the application context. Overall, the @Autowired annotation is a powerful tool that makes it easy to manage dependencies in a Spring Boot application.
Recently, I ran into a small issue and found the following article to be very helpful.
Suppose, you have a Spring
class (MileageFeeCalculator
) that has an @Autowired
field (rateService
), but the field is null
when I try to use it. The logs show that both the MileageFeeCalculator
bean and the MileageRateService
bean are being created, but I get a NullPointerException
whenever I try to call the mileageCharge
method on my service bean. Why isn't Spring autowiring the field?
Controller class:
public class MileageFeeController {
public float mileageFee(@PathVariable int miles) {
MileageFeeCalculator calc = new MileageFeeCalculator();
return calc.mileageCharge(miles);
Service class:
public class MileageFeeCalculator {
private MileageRateService rateService; // <--- autowired="" be="" is="" null="" should="" span="">
public float mileageCharge(final int miles) {
return (miles * rateService.ratePerMile()); // <--- npe="" span="" throws="">
Service bean that should be autowired in
but it isn't:@Service
public class MileageRateService {
public float ratePerMile() {
return 0.565f;
The field annotated
is null
because Spring doesn't know about the copy of MileageFeeCalculator
that you created with new
and didn't know to autowire it.
The Spring Inversion of Control (IoC) container has three main logical components: a registry (called the
) of components (beans) that are available to be used by the application, a configurer system that injects objects' dependencies into them by matching up the dependencies with beans in the context, and a dependency solver that can look at a configuration of many different beans and determine how to instantiate and configure them in the necessary order.
The IoC container isn't magic, and it has no way of knowing about Java objects unless you somehow inform it of them. When you call
, the JVM instantiates a copy of the new object and hands it straight to you--it never goes through the configuration process. There are three ways that you can get your beans configured.Inject your beans
The most preferable option is to let Spring autowire all of your beans; this requires the least amount of code and is the most maintainable. To make the autowiring work like you wanted, also autowire the
like this:@Controller
public class MileageFeeController {
private MileageFeeCalculator calc;
public float mileageFee(@PathVariable int miles) {
return calc.mileageCharge(miles);
If you need to create a new instance of your service object for different requests, you can still use injection by using the Spring bean scopes.
Tag that works by injecting the
service object: working-inject-bean
Use @Configurable
If you really need objects created with
to be autowired, you can use the Spring @Configurable
annotation along with AspectJ compile-time weaving to inject your objects. This approach inserts code into your object's constructor that alerts Spring that it's being created so that Spring can configure the new instance. This requires a bit of configuration in your build (such as compiling with ajc
) and turning on Spring's runtime configuration handlers (@EnableSpringConfigured
with the JavaConfig syntax). This approach is used by the Roo Active Record system to allow new
instances of your entities to get the necessary persistence information injected.@Service
public class MileageFeeCalculator {
private MileageRateService rateService;
public float mileageCharge(final int miles) {
return (miles * rateService.ratePerMile());
Tag that works by using
on the service object: working-configurable
Manual bean lookup: not recommended
This approach is suitable only for interfacing with legacy code in special situations. It is nearly always preferable to create a singleton adapter class that Spring can autowire and the legacy code can call, but it is possible to directly ask the Spring application context for a bean.
To do this, you need a class to which Spring can give a reference to the
public class ApplicationContextHolder implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext context;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
throws BeansException {
context = applicationContext;
public static ApplicationContext getContext() {
return context;
Then your legacy code can call
and retrieve the beans it needs:@Controller
public class MileageFeeController {
public float mileageFee(@PathVariable int miles) {
MileageFeeCalculator calc = ApplicationContextHolder.getContext()
return calc.mileageCharge(miles);
The original thread appeared on StackOverflow:
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