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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Where/How to create web.xml : Eclipse project - (Example using Jersey in Java)

Tip: Dynamic Web Project - - > RightClick - - > Java EE Tools - - > Generate Deployment Descriptor Stub. This would create Web.xml

Starting all over again from the question:
If you are doing Java programming to create some Service using Jersey or any other framework, you will many times land into situation where you need Web.xml to be created. I had once wondered where this file would be present. Or, better say, how should i create the Web.xml file.

Note that the web.xml file should be listed right below the last line in your screenshot and resides in WebContent/WEB-INF. 

If it is missing you might have missed to check the "Generate web.xml deployment descriptor" option on the third page of the Dynamic web project wizard.

Tip: Dynamic Web Project - - > RightClick - - > Java EE Tools - - > Generate Deployment Descriptor Stub. This would create Web.xml

A sample content of Web.xml can be as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<web-app xmlns:xsi=""
   id="WebApp_ID" version="3.0">
   <display-name>User Management</display-name>
      <servlet-name>Jersey RESTful Application</servlet-name>
   <servlet-name>Jersey RESTful Application</servlet-name>

Take Care.
- Mohd Anwar Jamal Faiz

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