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Friday, June 20, 2014

Fake/Spam letters taking foreign scripts path to look genuine

Recently, I have been getting emails written in different scripts on diversified topics like Money transfer, dead millionaire and one even of a marriage proposal. No doubt all of them are scam. Please don't sic for proposal one too. Each such emails aim at making a fool of you. And, to attract you into a trap where you can shell out some hard earned bucks.

See an example below:
السلام عليك 
انا اسمي مدام / ملك الشايب ارملة من سوريا دمشق , لقد ولدت في اسرة مسيحية قبل ان اتزوج من رجل مسلم متدين ساعدني في ان اعتنق الاسلام والحمد لله على هذه النعمه الكبيره.

انا سيدة مسلمة تعمل بجهد في مجال الذهب ومستحضرات التجميل في دمشق سوريا , وزوجي يعمل في مجال الاستثمار العقاري وهو مهندس ولقد انشاء شركته الخاصة للاستثمار العقاري قبل ان يلقي حتفه بعد صراع مع المرض باحدى مستشفيات القاهره.

لقد تم انقازي بواسطة الامم المتحدة المفوضية السامية لحماية اللاجئين  UNHCR)) ديسمبر2013الي ميامي فلوريدا بالولايات المتحدة الامريكية , لان افراد عائلتي كانوا يريدون قتلي لاني اعتنقت الاسلام , كل الذي احتاجه اخ مسلم يخاف الله استطيع ان اثق به امام الله ليساعدني باستعادة بعض المتعلقات الخاصة بالاسرة التي امنها زوجي الراحل قبل وفاته في مصر .

ولهذا ارجوك اخي في الله ان ترسل لي رقم الهاتف الخاص بك لكي نتواصل ونتعارف قبل ان اعطيك المزيد من التفاصيل .

مع خالص الشكر
مدام / ملك الشايب

 I translated it to find the below text:
Peace be upon you
My name is Madame / Chaib widow of the king of Syria, Damascus, I was born in a Christian family before they get married to a man helped me in a devout Muslim that converted to Islam and thank God for this blessing big.
I am a Muslim woman is working hard in the field of gold and cosmetics in Damascus, Syria, and my husband works in the field of real estate investment, an engineer, and has set up his own real estate investment before being shot dead after a struggle with the disease in one of Cairo hospital.
I've been Annagaza by the United Nations High Commissioner for Protection of Refugees UNHCR)) in December 2013 to Miami, Florida, USA, because my family members they want to kill me because I am a convert to Islam, all that I needed a brother Muslim is afraid of God that I can trust him to God to help me restore some belongings on the family that security my late husband before his death in Egypt.
That's my brother, I beg you in God to send me your phone number in order to communicate and know each other before they give you more details.
Madame / King Chaib

Please be cautious about such emails. No one is going to give you money in a blink of online relations. They all are fake and criminals.
Shhh...Madame Chaib is hearing. Lol :)


  1. i also get similar scams. Does anyone has solution to this.

  2. thankyou for advance info
